Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Use of college library resources and services in G.F.G. college thirthahalli: a study

The use of library resources and services by the students, depending upon the availability required books and other reading. The major objective of this study is to understand the use of library resources and services by the UG students. The analysis results show that the most of the (93.30%) students use library services. majority (60%) of students use Internet facility, (85%) of students found Newspaper adequate, (28.70%) of the students borrow books from the library, (48.33%) of student most frequently used the reference Services, (33.33%) of students are giving first preference for textbooks and Periodical/Magazine and the level of satisfaction is more in students of G.F.G. College as they felt satisfied (64.20%) with their library resources and services.

Punith, H. G.
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