Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

The yield gap analysis and impact of technological changes in soybean production in maharashtra state

Soybean possesses a very high nutritional value along with high yield potential. It contains about 40% high quality protein and 20% oil. The present study was carried out to know,the yield gap analysis and impact of technological changes in soybean production in Maharashtra state. The technological and input use difference between for soybean contributed to form the total productivity difference of 25.78 per cent, whereas, the contribution of technological change to total change in output alone was estimated to be 17.40 per cent. This implies that, with the present level of resource use by the farmers, the returns could be increased by about 17 per cent, if proper technologies adopted thereof.With the objective of knowing the gap between the experimental farm yield and potential farm yield on one hand and actual yield on the sample farms on the other, yield gap in soybean was estimated. The performance of frontline demonstrations confirms that, there is a wide gap between demonstrations farm yield and actual yield on farmers’ field. This gap can be filled by dissemination of technologies of soybean cultivation by various extension ways including the block/village demonstrations in larger area, timely supply of quality inputs, technical guidance, appropriate policy development and strengthening execution at grass-root level, etc.

Snehal Datarkar, Pagire, B.V.and Ashwini Darekar
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